Computer Help Desk
Using Mediaspace links
1. Use your StarID credentials to log into 2. Check to see if your video is Unlisted or private. This example is Private: If you video is already listed as Unlisted, proceed to step 8. 3. To change your video from ...
Laptop lease requirement
If you are registered for 7 or more BUSO credits, you are required to lease a laptop from Riverland Community College.
Issues logging into Brightspace
If you are having trouble logging into Brightspace, you may have forgotten your StarID and/or password or it may have expired. For more information on how to look up your information or reset the password, please visit our StarID Access page.
Username Password Problems
From the myriverland page, click on Password Lookup for more information. If you have previously activated your StarID, it may have expired. StarID password must be changed every 180 days. You can reset the password or look up a forgotten ...