What Happens During a Tutoring Session?
Tutors work with students who are having difficulty understanding course material. The goal is to help students understand concepts and learn how to apply these concepts to their course work. Students are expected to come to the session with their assignments completed to the best of their ability. Tutors will not do work for a student or work on an entire assignment with a student.
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Tutoring Locations
Tutoring is located in-person in the Writing and Math Center, Austin East, Room N104. You may also have a tutoring session in another location. When you sign up for an appointment, it will indicate the location in which to meet your tutor. Tutoring ...
Selecting New Tutors
Students who are interested in becoming a tutor can apply online. Go to the Tutoring Services webpage (https://www.riverland.edu/student-services/tutoring-services/)and select "Apply to be a Tutor”. You will receive your next steps after completing ...
Getting Tutoring
It is easy to access tutoring services at Riverland! “Log in to Brightspace. Under “Tutoring,” select “Riverland Tutoring.” You may then sign in to the online appointment system using your starID and password. You may also access tutoring 24/7 ...
Student Success Center
The Student Success Center provides FREE academic support services to all Riverland students.
Cost of Tutoring Services
Tutoring is provided as a FREE service for students who are currently taking a Riverland course.